Barbell Snatch

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Equipment & Set Up

  • Barbell (BB)
  • Bumper plates

Primary Muscles Involved

  • Biceps femoris
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Rectus femoris
  • Trapezius
  • Gastrocnemius

Starting Position

  • With the BB on the floor, sink the hips and assume a grip width similar to hang snatch.
  • Flex the hip, knee, and ankle. Shoulders above the hips, directly over the bar.
  • Set your core-brace the abdominals, retract scapula, and inhale.
  • Feet are hip width, under the bar. Toes straight ahead.

Movement Execution

  • Initial Pull
    1. Push through the heels, extending hips and knees keeping the bar close to shins. Arms remain extended.
    2. Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate, keeping shoulders above hips.
  • Power Position
    1. BB rises to just above the knee. Athlete is flexed at the hip, knee, and ankle.
    2. Chest covers the BB, shoulders in front, back flat, head neutral and eyes straight forward.
  • Triple Extended Position
    1. From the power position-explosively jump and shrug the shoulders, extending at the hip, knee, and ankle. BB travels vertically, close to the body with elbow high and wide, exhaling during extension.
  • Overhead Catch Position
    1. Catch BB over COG with arms fully extended. Flexed at the hip, knee, and ankle. Feet shoulder width and head neutral.
    2. With BB stable over head, athlete extends knees and returns the feet to hip width.

Safety & Spotting Techniques

  • Lifting area clearly marked, free of equipment and tripping hazards.
  • In the case of failed attempt, return the bar to platform and step opposite the BB.

Common Errors & Corrections

  • Arms flexed in the power position
    1. Emphasize keeping arms extended in the power position.
  • BB traveling away from the body during Triple Extension
    1. Emphasize keeping elbows up and out to the sides to allow the BB to travel close to the body.
  • Initiating the Triple Extended Position early
    1. Allow the BB to get above the knee before starting the triple extension.