Master Strength & Conditioning Coach

Congratulations to this year's Master Strength & Conditioning Coaches (MSCC)

The following individuals received the prestigious title of Master Strength & Conditioning Coach at the 2023 annual conference for the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches association in Orlando, Fl..

Class of 2023

Bauer, Darl
Berner, Todd
Bert, Brian
Caralla, Lewis
Carsey, James
Darcy, Jr, Daniel
Davis, Rhian
Feeley, Dave
Fitzpatrick, Bryan
Foster, Sean
Gant Jr., Barry
Goodrich, Kenny
Herhal, Matthew
Jacobs, Matthew
Karasiak, Bryce
Lovett, Justin
Margolis, Zach
Overland, Eric
Parker, Kenneth (Kenny)
Prendergast, James
Quinlin, Joe
Ringler, Adam
Roberts , Brandon
Shumaker, Michael
Spurlock, John
Vinci, Keith
Whitehead, AJ